Thursday, September 1, 2011

Footprints in the concrete? Say what?

I guess I should explain the name of my blog. There is a poem about a man who is walking along the beach with God and he sees scenes from his life. In those scenes he sees footprints in the sand but he becomes hurt that during the lowest times in life there are only one set of footprints. He asks God why He left him during the lowest of times and God replied, “The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, is when I carried you.”

So you may be thinking “well then what’s up with the concrete in the name?” Well allow me to explain. I do not live in a world of sand. I live in a concrete jungle. When I think of sand I think of relaxing and life being easy just chillin on the beach and that is not how my life is. My life is hard and it is scary and rough. I need God to be strong enough to leave footprints in this concrete world that I live in. And I believe He is. Those footprints are harder to make but each step is worth more than the last and they become easier as I go along.

I am not afraid to admit that I struggle through life and sometimes I want to stop walking and sink into the concrete but concrete hardens and it becomes harder to keep walking once that hardening begins. There have been times when I have faced walls of Hell fire and I’ve stopped and let that concrete harden over my feet and it was a great struggle to break free, but at those times God picked me up carried me through. He has and will always make footprints in the concrete next to me and will scoop me up when I stop for a moment and start to let the concrete harden.

So you can keep your sand because I do not live in a world full of soft sand, I live in a world of hard concrete. I know that I will make it through this tough life because my God will never let that concrete harden over my feet.

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